View of Hobart city from kunanyi / Mount Wellington. Image: Tourism Tasmania / Rob Burnett.

Image: Tourism Tasmania / Rob Burnett


Introduction to the estuary, its management and monitoring

Timtumili minanya, the Derwent Estuary, is a significant cultural landscape for Tasmanian Aborigines. It has been a central living place and route between the coast and hinterland for around 40,000 years. A waterway of great natural beauty and diversity, it is an integral part of Tasmania’s cultural, economic, and natural heritage and an important and productive ecosystem that supports a wide range of habitats and species.


Timtumili minanya is the palawa kani name for the Derwent Estuary. Palawa kani is the reawakened language for Tasmanian Aborigines, revived through extensive linguistic and historical research by the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre. Previously, the Aboriginal names for the River Derwent came from G.A. Robinson’s records from the 1830s, where he attempted to give his idea of their sound by dividing words into syllables. The names for the Derwent were noted as: TEETOOMELE MENENNYE, RAY. GHE.PY.ER.REN.NE and NIB.BER.LIN.

Today, approximately 40 per cent of Tasmania’s population — 235,000 people — live around the estuary. People enjoy swimming, boating, and fishing throughout the Derwent. It is also important for marine transport and industry. The Derwent supplies about 60 per cent of the region’s drinking water and is a major source of hydroelectric power.

Several environmental issues affect the Derwent Estuary, in particular:

  • heavy metal contamination
  • poor recreational water quality at some bays and beaches
  • low oxygen levels in the upper estuary during summer
  • elevated nutrient concentrations
  • environmental flows and barriers
  • introduced marine pests and weeds
  • loss of habitats and species
  • impacts of climate change, e.g. sea level rise, erosion and habitat loss

Although there have been significant improvements in the treatment of sewage and industrial wastes over the past decade, the Derwent still faces many environmental challenges. A strategic and coordinated planning approach across all levels of government, industry and the community is our best hope for a clean and healthy estuary in the future.

View of kunanyi / Mount Wellington across the timtimili minanya / Derwent Estuary. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
View of kunanyi / Mount Wellington across the timtimili minanya / Derwent Estuary.

Image: Derwent Estuary Program

1.1 Management and restoration

The Derwent Estuary Program (DEP) was established in 1999 as a partnership to share science and enable informed decisions about the Derwent. The program successfully unites a wide range of stakeholders in building a common understanding, vision, and management framework and implementing this vision through partnership agreements and practical action.

The program was designed to address environmental quality issues such as industrial and urban water pollution, contaminated sediments, invasive species and loss of estuarine ecosystems. Our scope has now broadened to include the catchment influences, education and community enjoyment. Key program areas include environmental monitoring and reporting, coordination of regional activities, stormwater management, heavy metal investigations, wetland, saltmarsh and seagrass restoration, and promotion of walking tracks.

Our program partners

The DEP, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, is supported by the Tasmanian Government, six councils that border the estuary (Brighton, Clarence, Derwent Valley, Glenorchy, Hobart and Kingborough Councils), five business partners (Nyrstar Hobart, Norske Skog Boyer, TasWater, TasPorts and Hydro Tasmania), NRM South, EPA Tasmania and research partner Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. Other project supporters include the CSIRO, The Ian Potter Foundation and EcoDetection.

Seagrass monitoring on the River Derwent. Image: Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
Seagrass monitoring on the River Derwent.

Image: Derwent Estuary Program

Tasman Bridge, Hobart.
Tasman Bridge, Hobart.

Image: Derwent Estuary Program

1.2 Environmental monitoring and reporting

A fundamental requirement for effective natural resource management is an ongoing and reliable source of environmental data. This principle forms the basis of the DEP’s cooperative monitoring program between the state government, councils, industries and research institutes. Formerly independent monitoring programs are now coordinated to provide better information on the estuary as a whole and to report annually on environmental conditions and trends in the Derwent.

This ‘Report Card’ summarises monitoring data collected by the DEP and our partners, as well as other relevant information collected during and early , including:

  • weekly recreational water quality testing during summer months
  • monthly whole-of-estuary water quality monitoring
  • biological surveys (seagrass, spotted handfish, Little Penguins)
  • weed surveys and control actions (rice grass, karamu)

More detailed information is published in five-yearly State of the Derwent Estuary reports, available on our website.

The timtumili minanya / Derwent Estuary at New Norfolk, Tasmania. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.

Image: Derwent Estuary Program


Derwent estuary catchment zones

From the river to the sea the River Derwent and estuary supports a variety of habitats, species and human uses which are depicted in the following five illustrations. Environmental inputs that affect these areas are also highlighted.


Sampling sites and discharge points

The DEP Beach Watch and ambient water quality monitoring sites are located on the map along the location of sewage treatment plants and our industry partners Nyrstar and Norske Skog Boyer.

AWQ site B1AWQ site B3AWQ site B5AWQ site CAWQ site RBAWQ site RBSAWQ site RBNAWQ site EAWQ site G2AWQ site SCAWQ site CBAWQ site U2AWQ site LBAWQ site KBAWQ site NNAWQ site U19AWQ site U16/17AWQ site U14AWQ site U12AWQ site U3AWQ site U4AWQ site U5AWQ site U7AWQ site PWBAWQ site NTB2AWQ site NTB5AWQ site NTB1AWQ site NTB13AWQ site GBWindermere Bay BeachNutgrove Beach (east)Nutgrove Beach (west)Little Sandy Bay (south)Little Sandy Bay (north)Hinsby BeachTaroona BeachKingston Beach (north)Kingston Beach (mid)Kingston Beach (south)Blackmans Bay (north)Blackmans Bay (mid)Blackmans Bay (south)Bellerive Beach (east)Bellerive Beach (west)Howrah Beach (east)Howrah Beach (mid)Howrah Beach (west)Little Howrah BeachNew Norfolk (The Esplanade)New Norfolk (Millbrook Rise Jetty)Old Beach JettyElwick Bay Yacht ClubNew Town BayPrince of Wales BayGeilston BayLindisfarne BayMontagu BayMid-River SwimHobart Rivulet (mouth)Regatta PavilionVictoria DockWatermans DockBrooke Street PierSullivans CoveMarieville EsplanadeKangaroo BayBrowns RiverBlackmans Bay STPMacquarie Point STPSelfs Point STPPrince of Wales Bay STPCameron Bay STPTurriff Lodge STPGreen Point STPEast Risdon STPRosny STPRokeby STPBlinking Billy (outfall for Selfs Point STP)Norske Skog Boyer industrial dischargeNyrstar Hobart Smelter industrial discharge

Zoom and pan the map to find the Beach Watch, Bay Watch, and ambient water quality monitoring sites, the location and discharge rates of sewage treatment plants and large industry. Or view a list of the locations in the tables that follow.

Fig. 3.3 Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) discharges
Location Result  
Blackmans Bay 1000–2000 ML/yr 1000–2000 ML/yr
Macquarie Point > 2000 ML/yr > 2000 ML/yr
Blinking Billy (outfall for Selfs Point) > 2000 ML/yr > 2000 ML/yr
Prince of Wales Bay > 2000 ML/yr > 2000 ML/yr
Cameron Bay 1000–2000 ML/yr 1000–2000 ML/yr
Turriff Lodge < 1000 ML/yr < 1000 ML/yr
Green Point < 1000 ML/yr < 1000 ML/yr
East Risdon < 1000 ML/yr < 1000 ML/yr
Rosny < 1000 ML/yr < 1000 ML/yr
Rokeby < 1000 ML/yr < 1000 ML/yr
Fig. 3.4 Industrial discharges
Location Result  
Norske Skog Boyer > 50,000 kL/d > 50,000 kL/d
Nyrstar Hobart Smelter > 50,000 kL/d > 50,000 kL/d
Ambient Water Quality (AWQ) sites
Temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, chlorophyll a, and metals are monitored at 29 Ambient Water Quality (AWQ) sites across the Derwent estuary. Ambient Water Quality (AWQ) monitoring site

Pollution sources, loads and trends

Pollutants of particular concern in the Derwent Estuary include:

  • heavy metals, as these may be toxic to aquatic plants and animals and accumulate in seafood — a potential health risk for local anglers.
  • excessive nutrients, as these can trigger algal blooms that reduce water clarity, smother fish habitat and deplete oxygen. Low oxygen may result in fish kills, rotten egg odours and the release of nutrients and heavy metals from sediments.
  • pathogens from human sewage that are a human health risk
  • sediments, as these reduce the light available to aquatic plants
  • litter — particularly floating plastics

4.1 River Derwent catchment

The River Derwent is a significant source of contaminants in the estuary. Previous monitoring has indicated that primary sources of nutrients in the catchment are diffuse sources (agriculture, forestry) and point sources (aquaculture). Early warning signs of nutrient stress, including the growth of algae leading to taste and odour issues in Hobart’s water supply and filamentous algal blooms smothering seagrass in the upper estuary, have raised concerns about the water quality of the River Derwent upstream of New Norfolk.

Nutrients in the River Derwent catchment are typically variable, and in the 2023 financial year, loads were generally lower than in the previous financial year (see Fig. 4.3). Total suspended solids declined to below the historic average (see Fig. 4.6). River Derwent loads are relatively coarse and are provided as an indicative value of the contribution of contaminant loads to the estuary from the catchment. An in-situ nutrient analyser project funded by The Ian Potter Foundation has been established in the catchment to better understand nutrient sources, calculate loads more accurately and understand nutrient dynamics. An overview of this project is provided in River Derwent catchment – water quality section.

Blackmans Bay Sewage Treatment Plant. Image: Peter Mathew.
Blackmans Bay Sewage Treatment Plant.

Image: Peter Mathew

4.2 Pollution sources

Pollution enters the Derwent Estuary from many sources, commonly referred to as ‘point sources’ and ‘diffuse sources’.

Point sources include sewage treatment plants and large industries, such as the Norske Skog paper mill at Boyer and Nyrstar Hobart zinc smelter at Lutana.

Diffuse sources include stormwater runoff from urban areas and the larger catchment inputs carried by the Derwent and Jordan rivers. Other diffuse pollutant sources include air pollution, landfills, aquaculture operations, and ports and marinas waste. Sediments within the estuary may also release pollutants into the overlying waters under certain conditions.

See the point sources map for more details.

Sewage Treatment Plants

Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) are the largest source of bioavailable nutrients (nutrients available to living things such as algae), followed by the catchment, stormwater and the Norske Skog paper mill (see Fig. 4.4). The past two financial years have been characterised by increased loads discharged to the estuary from point sources, particularly STPs. Whilst nutrient loads are greatest in the mid and lower estuary, smaller plants that discharge into poorly mixed waters or nearshore environments may be of comparably greater ecological significance due to the sensitivity of the receiving environment (e.g. seagrass).

Effluent reuse turns a waste product into valuable, nutrient-enriched irrigation water, removing nutrients that would otherwise enter the Derwent Estuary. The last two financial years have seen a significant decline in reuse demand (see Fig. 4.1). During prolonged rainfall events, private water storages reach capacity, and demand for recycled water decreases, resulting in greater discharge. Reduced reuse is also a result of site-specific issues, such as increased discharge at Rosny STP due to ongoing saltwater intrusion.

Fig. 4.1 Sewage effluent re-use (megalitres)
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Megalitres 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23 Bridgewater 660.6 Cameron Bay 132.3 Rokeby 799.4 Rosny 1626.3 Selfs Point 24 Bridgewater 851.2 Cameron Bay 98.3 Rokeby 837 Rosny 1618.2 Selfs Point 24 Bridgewater 522.4 Cameron Bay 81.4 Rokeby 828.1 Rosny 974.1 Selfs Point 22 Bridgewater 522.8 Cameron Bay 60 Rokeby 965.8 Rosny 377.3 Selfs Point 24 Bridgewater 401.56 Cameron Bay 70.83 Rokeby 743.13 Rosny 493.04 Selfs Point 10 Bridgewater Cameron Bay Rokeby Rosny Selfs Point

Norske Skog

Norske Skog Boyer has been operating since 1941, producing newsprint, speciality newsprint and lightweight coated papers. Key contaminants from the site concerning estuarine water quality are suspended solids, resin acids, organic matter and dissolved nutrients. The commissioning of the biological secondary effluent treatment plant (SETP) in 2008 significantly reduced suspended solids, biological oxygen demand and resin acids discharged to the upper estuary. However, an increase in dissolved nutrient discharge was evident in the Norske Skog Boyer combined effluent stream in 2023, as the addition of nutrients is required to sustain the biological secondary treatment process.

Nutrient loads, particularly dissolved nutrients, vary significantly due to challenges in finding the correct nutrient dose to operate the treatment process. The organic load coming into the SETP strongly influences the required nutrient levels.

Real-time analyser trials at Norske Skog outfall

As part of a three-year catchment project funded by The Ian Potter Foundation and our stakeholders, an in-situ real-time analyser based on capillary electrophoresis manufactured by Melbourne-based company Eco Detection was trialled at Norske’s effluent outfall from February 2022 to July 2023.

In-situ real-time analysers have the potential to detect short-term variability in effluent water quality and support operational improvements to reduce nutrient discharge to the Derwent. The unit at Norske provides real-time data from anion measurements, including nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, chloride and sulfate. The Norske outfall was chosen as a site to trial this technology in a highly turbid environment (Total Suspended Solids or TSS). As expected, high TSS and biofouling were problematic for the in-situ external sensors. The analyser took measurements every six hours. Initially, the high chloride content due to effluent dilution with cooling water originating from the saltwater section of the Derwent was limiting the accuracy of nitrate measurements, which configuration changes made by Eco Detection resolved. A 12-month validation program was also conducted between July 2022 and June 2023 using monthly grab samples (bottles) analysed at AST for comparison to analyser data. Further work is required to understand discrepancies between the analyser and laboratory results, which appear most pronounced at Norske compared to other outfall sites.

In addition to the Eco Detection analyser project, Norske Skog received funding to improve their secondary effluent treatment plant. This has been used to purchase, install and commission in situ analysers for Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen. The analysers will allow automatic control of the urea dosing system based on the incoming organic load and outgoing residual ammonia and to understand the fluctuations within the effluent treatment plant. Based on this real-time analysis, the aim is to have a more efficient treatment of the effluent entering the plant.

Phillip Fox from Eco Detection installing a water quality analyser at Norske Skog paper mill. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
Phillip Fox from Eco Detection installing a water quality analyser at Norske Skog paper mill.

Image: Derwent Estuary Program


The Nyrstar Hobart zinc smelter has been operating since 1917 and has been the main source of heavy metal pollution to the Derwent (see Fig. 4.7). Metal pollution, particularly zinc has declined but is highest in surface waters in New Town Bay and other mid-estuary sites. Concentrations typically decline with distance from the Nyrstar Smelter.

Contaminated groundwater at Nyrstar is the largest source and is being captured and treated using a series of innovative projects. Zinc extracted from groundwater increased from an annual average of 80 tonnes (before installation of the 2021 groundwater extraction system) to 104 tonnes in 2022–23. Zinc extraction declined by 16 tonnes from the previous year as an unreliable pump meant an extended downtime for one of the major extraction systems (see Fig. 4.2).

Fig. 4.2 Nyrstar: trace metals extracted from groundwater (tonnes)
120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Tonnes 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23 Cadmium 2.2 Zinc 89.0 Cadmium 1.7 Zinc 82.5 Cadmium 1.5 Zinc 74.0 Cadmium 2.5 Zinc 116.5 Cadmium 3.504709 Zinc 104.8814 Cadmium Zinc


Stormwater starts as rain and eventually makes its way to the River Derwent via gutters, pipes and rivulets. Thirteen major rivulets and over 270 pipes discharge stormwater to the estuary, along with a variety of pollutants including litter, soil, fertilisers, bacteria and hydrocarbons.

Regional stormwater monitoring programs have found that levels of some pollutants regularly exceed national water quality guidelines, and in some cases may result in beach closures after heavy rain. To better understand the contribution of stormwater pollution to the estuary, the DEP are repeating a monitoring program with funding from the Australian Government’s Urban Rivers and Catchments Program. Thirty-one sites will be monitored monthly for 12 months to help us quantify pollutants and prioritise catchments for management.

4.3 Contaminant load summary

What comes from where?

  • The River Derwent catchment is the primary source of total nitrogen (see Fig. 4.3) and total suspended solids (see Fig. 4.6) in the Derwent Estuary.
  • TasWater sewage treatment plants are the primary source of dissolved nutrients nitrogen (see Fig. 4.4) and phosphorus nitrogen (see Fig. 4.5), and most of the load is discharged to the mid and lower estuary. In the 2023 financial year, dissolved inorganic nitrogen loads increased significantly.
  • Contaminated groundwater is the primary source of zinc to the estuary (see Fig. 4.7).
Fig. 4.3 Nutrients: total nitrogen (tonnes/year)
1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Tonnes 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23 Industry 126.1135 Sewage 392.7028 Stormwater 167 River Derwent 778.2648 Industry 120.4035 Sewage 336.7871 Stormwater 167 River Derwent 1006.673 Industry 142.9435 Sewage 360.061 Stormwater 167 River Derwent 715.9454 Industry 130.6135 Sewage 481.2437 Stormwater 167 River Derwent 970.4159 Industry 123.241 Sewage 494.5219 Stormwater 167 River Derwent 845.3378 Industry Sewage Stormwater River Derwent
Fig. 4.4 Nutrients: dissolved inorganic nitrogen (tonnes/year)
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Tonnes 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23 Industry 33 Sewage 309 Stormwater 49 River 143 Industry 39 Sewage 282 Stormwater 49 River 194 Industry 33 Sewage 293 Stormwater 49 River 122 Industry 40 Sewage 399 Stormwater 49 River 170 Industry 54 Sewage 408 Stormwater 49 River 149 Industry Sewage Stormwater River
Fig. 4.5 Nutrients: total phosphorus (tonnes/year)
200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 Tonnes 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23 Industry 12.39 Sewage 69.97209 Stormwater 30 River Derwent 36.00136 Industry 14.5 Sewage 67.04447 Stormwater 30 River Derwent 49.81729 Industry 16.65 Sewage 63.90397 Stormwater 30 River Derwent 33.92778 Industry 13.24 Sewage 79.65882 Stormwater 30 River Derwent 43.11017 Industry 11.2055 Sewage 79.44671 Stormwater 30 River Derwent 51.71948 Industry Sewage Stormwater River
Fig. 4.6 Sediments as total suspended solids (tonnes/year)
40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Tonnes 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23 Industry 716.1 Sewage 194.9803 Stormwater 7996 River 15594.04 Industry 534.0691 Sewage 168.6332 Stormwater 7996 River 30820.34 Industry 1223.876 Sewage 227.479 Stormwater 7996 River 8378.973 Industry 959.43 Sewage 234.0561 Stormwater 7996 River 23294.85 Industry 540.9 Sewage 214.0979 Stormwater 7996 River 25931.95 Industry Sewage Stormwater River
Fig. 4.7 Zinc (tonnes/year)
160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Tonnes 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23 Sewage 1.2 Stormwater 7 Nyrstar operations 1.923317106 Nyrstar groundwater 120 Sewage 1.2 Stormwater 7 Nyrstar operations 2.720312911 Nyrstar groundwater 120 Sewage 1.2 Stormwater 7 Nyrstar operations 3.089824839 Nyrstar groundwater 120 Sewage 1.2 Stormwater 7 Nyrstar operations 2.183777005 Nyrstar groundwater 80 Sewage 1.2 Stormwater 7 Nyrstar operations 1.133798209 Nyrstar groundwater 96 Sewage Stormwater Nyrstar operations Nyrstar groundwater
Fig. 4.8 Organic matter as biochemical oxygen demand (tonnes/year)
1000 800 600 400 200 0 Tonnes 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22 2022–23 Norske Skog Boyer 345.5 Sewage 418.2 Norske Skog Boyer 324.5 Sewage 338.2 Norske Skog Boyer 454.8 Sewage 442.1 Norske Skog Boyer 239.6 Sewage 636.0 Norske Skog Boyer 329.55 Sewage 616.9162 Norske Skog Boyer Sewage

Did you know?

The Derwent Estuary Program received funding from the Australian Government’s Urban Rivers and Catchments Program for four projects: stormwater monitoring; saltmarsh restoration; spotted handfish surveys; data visualisation.

Kelp forest. Image: IMAS.

Image: IMAS


Derwent water quality

For 25 years, the ambient and recreational water quality monitoring programs have provided a basis for assessments relating to swimming at beaches, and a whole of estuary health check. Current emphasis includes keeping tabs on dissolved oxygen levels and nutrients in the upper estuary and assessing nutrients in the catchment using real-time water quality analysers.

5.1 Climatic conditions

Rainfall is reviewed annually as it can influence water quality. The 2023 financial year’s annual rainfall (599.8 mm) was close to the long-term average (612 mm; all records since 1893) as recorded at the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) Hobart weather station (Ellerslie Road).

Monthly rainfall tended to be below average in summer and above average in winter-spring.

The total summer rainfall (December–March inclusive) during the 2022–23 season (170 mm) was slightly below average (187 mm).

Fig. 5.1 Rainfall in Hobart, Bureau of Meteorology
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Rainfall (mm) Month (2022–2023) Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 2022 25.4mm Jul long-term average 51.7mm Aug 2022 25.4mm Aug long-term average 54.2mm Sep 2022 59mm Sep long-term average 52.8mm Oct 2022 90.2mm Oct long-term average 62.2mm Nov 2022 78.6mm Nov long-term average 54.1mm Dec 2022 75.6mm Dec long-term average 56.2mm Jan 2023 11mm Jan long-term average 46.6mm Feb 2023 48.6mm Feb long-term average 39mm Mar 2023 34.6mm Mar long-term average 44.3mm Apr 2023 24.8mm Apr long-term average 49.5mm May 2023 22.2mm May long-term average 47.3mm Jun 2023 62.8mm Jun long-term average 53.7mm Rainfall 2022–23 Long-term average

Rainfall recorded at Hobart, Ellerslie Road (BoM). The first column for each month represents the average rainfall for 2022–2023. The second column for each month represents the long-term average rainfall (1882–2024 as per BOM historic average).

Derwent reflections. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
Derwent reflections.

Image: Derwent Estuary Program

Spotted handfish. Image: C. Devine, CSIRO.
Spotted handfish.

Image: C. Devine, CSIRO

Bird watching. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
Bird watching.

Image: Derwent Estuary Program

5.2 Swimming in the Derwent

The Beach Watch Program is a collaborative effort with local and state governments, which monitors recreational water quality at 38 beaches and bays around the estuary each summer. Sampling is done weekly from December through March at the locations in our sampling and discharge points map.

A colour-coded system based on five years of monitoring data describes the risk level to swimmers: green indicates good water quality, yellow indicates fair water quality, and red indicates poor water quality.

The water quality at most swimming sites was overall better than the last two seasons, largely because it was a dry summer for Tasmania, with summer rainfall down about 16 percent below the long-term average. This season saw only 16 exceedances (enterococci > 140 MPN 100 mL-1), compared with 22 last summer and 49 the previous season.

At the end of this season, eleven swimming sites were graded as Good, six as Fair, and two as Poor. Four sites improved their rating: Howrah Beach (east), Nutgrove Beach (east and west) and Taroona Beach from Fair to Good.

Four sites received a long-term rating for the first time (now having five years of data). Two of these newly rated sites are Good, Bellerive Beach (east) and Blackmans Bay Beach (north), while Kingston Beach (south) is Fair and Blackmans Bay Beach (south) is Poor.

The water quality at the 19 environmental sites also significantly improved from the previous season. On 24 occasions, enterococci results of over 140 MPN 100 mL-1 were recorded, compared to 56 times last year. There are six environmental sites with Good long-term ratings, eight Fair, and five Poor. One site, Kangaroo Bay (from Good to Fair) dropped its rating. Following this summer’s sampling, four sites improved their rating, including Victoria Dock, New Town Bay, Marieville Esplanade and Regatta Pavilion, all from Poor to Fair. The mid-river Derwent sampling location continues to be the environment with the consistently best water quality, followed by Montagu Bay, Elwick Bay and now Old Beach and Sullivans Cove.

Nutgrove Beach, Sandy Bay. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
Nutgrove Beach, Sandy Bay.

Image: Derwent Estuary Program

Taking a water sample from the beach.
Taking a water sample from the beach.

Image: H. Bobbi, DOH

5.3 Water quality indicators

We coordinate a whole-of-estuary monitoring program that integrates sampling by the DEP and EPA Division, Nyrstar Hobart, Norske Skog and TasWater. Water quality is monitored monthly at 29 sites for indicators such as nutrients, metals, and physicochemical parameters. This information is used to document Derwent Estuary’s health and trends over time.

5.4 Nutrients

Nutrients are essential for plant and algal growth and function. However, elevated nutrients can cause several water quality problems, particularly excessive algae growth. Excessive algae growth does occur at times in the Derwent Estuary. It can have adverse effects, including phytoplankton blooms (microscopic marine algae), smothering of seagrass meadows, and excessive seaweed growth. This can change native habitats, and the low oxygen levels that occur when algae die off can kill fish and affect aesthetic appeal due to foul odours and water discolouration.

Seasonal overview

Nutrient inputs vary seasonally and spatially throughout the Derwent Estuary and we can see strong seasonal patterns. Marine inputs increase in winter when high rainfall carries nutrients from the catchment to the estuary, and nutrient-rich sub-Antarctic waters intrude into the lower estuary. In summer, nutrient levels in surface waters are typically lower due to increased productivity. These seasonal patterns are augmented by year-round inputs from sewerage treatment plants and industry sources, which result in elevated nutrient levels, particularly in the mid-estuary.

Geographical patterns

Nutrient concentrations are typically low in the upper estuary, though nutrient concentrations close to the floor of the estuary (bottom waters) are often elevated during summer when dissolved oxygen is low (see Fig. 5.2). Nutrients are most significant in the mid-estuary, with a higher density of point and diffuse sources. This is most evident in poorly flushed bays in the mid-estuary, such as Prince of Wales Bay, where nutrient levels are the greatest. Nutrient concentrations are typically low in the lower estuary, particularly in surface waters.

Fig. 5.2 Spatial variation in nitrogen for surface and bottom waters
Total nitrogen surface waters 2023 Total nitrogen bottom waters 2023

Spatial variation in nitrogen for surface and bottom waters collected from Derwent Estuary sites in the 2023 financial year. The limit of the boxes represents the 20th and 80th percentiles. Functional zones are coloured coded where upper estuary is light blue, mid-estuary is green, mid-estuary bays are yellow, lower estuary sites are dark blue, and Ralphs Bay is purple. The red dashes mark each zone’s DRAFT Derwent Estuary default guideline values (DGVs).

Changes over time

Upper Derwent nitrogen levels have gradually increased over the last 15 years (see Fig. 5.3). Declines in water quality have coincided with signals of nutrient stress in the upper estuary in 2015, including taste and odour issues in the Hobart drinking water supply and algal blooms smothering seagrass meadows. Over the last two years, there has been a notable increase in nitrogen in the upper estuary, which has coincided with increased loads from local point sources (Norske Skog Boyer, Turriff Lodge STP and Green Point STP) and increased River Derwent catchment loads.

Fig. 5.3 Monthly total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) concentrations (µg/L) at Prince of Wales Bay monitoring site
Monthly total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) concentrations (µg/L) at mid-estuary sites Prince of Wales Bay

Ambient nutrient concentrations are typically highest in the mid-estuary, where the density of STPs is greatest (see Fig. 5.2). Recent data has shown that previously reported zone-wide declines (mid-estuary) in dissolved nitrogen likely reflected a change in the process rather than an improvement in effluent quality.

Over the past two years, upward trends in water quality parameters have been observed throughout the estuary. This trend is most apparent in surface waters, particularly upper estuary sites, though the signal is clear throughout the estuary. This trend has likely been driven by increased discharges from point sources (particularly STPs) and diffuse sources (stormwater contributions are unquantified) as a result of high annual rainfall during this period.

Sewage Treatment Plant upgrades

A new outfall was installed at the Turriff Lodge Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) in April 2023. The STP was previously discharged into constructed wetlands, which were not improving effluent quality and posed a risk to public health. The new outfall extends 14 metres into the river to a depth of six metres, and a new diffuser improves effluent dilution and mixing. A 12-month ambient monitoring program is underway to assess effluent dilution, water quality and biological conditions in the Derwent River, upstream and downstream of the STP discharge.

The chlorine dosing system at Rosny STP will be replaced with a UV disinfection system, which is currently planned for late 2024. This will eliminate the risk that chlorine has on the receiving environment and significantly reduce the levels of bacteria discharged to both the Derwent Estuary and the recycled water scheme.

Macquarie Point STP will be decommissioned, and a new pump station at the Macquarie Point site will direct all flows to an upgraded Selfs Point STP. This project is expected to substantially reduce the mass loads of nutrients (total nitrogen 58% and total Phosphorus 42%) discharged to the Derwent Estuary.

5.5 Estuary metal contamination

Heavy metals persist in the environment and can become toxic to marine life at elevated concentrations. Some metals also bioaccumulate to high levels in fish and shellfish — a risk for human consumers. Metals in Derwent Estuary sediments are among the highest in Australia. Derwent sediments are fine-grained and organic-rich and significantly exceed national sediment quality guidelines for zinc, copper, mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic.

Zinc concentrations have continued to decline throughout the monitoring program in Derwent Estuary waters. Declines have occurred in bottom and surface waters and are most pronounced in the mid-estuary. These declines are consistent with sediment core work, indicating a continued decline in metals in Derwent sediments since peak production in the 1970s. Observed declines are likely a result of proactive site remediation and improved management practices, combined with gradual burial of contaminated sediment with clean fill.

As reported for nutrient indicators, zinc concentrations in surface water have also gradually increased in recent years. These increases have been most notable at New Town Bay. This has occurred despite increased zinc recovery from groundwater and no change in effluent discharge. This trend will be further investigated in 2024.

5.6 River Derwent catchment – water quality

Monitoring water quality can be challenging as programs are costly and do not capture incidents, variable pollutant sources, rainfall-runoff events and in-stream processes such as nutrient uptake. To address these challenges, we are trialling seven real-time water quality analysers in the Derwent River catchment at river and industry outfall sites (see map) with funding from The Ian Potter Foundation, Hydro Tasmania, TasWater, the Environment Protection Authority and Meadowbank Vineyard. The analysers take measurements every six hours and measure nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, chloride, carbonate, sulphate and fluoride, and the data is stored online for direct remote access.

River sites include the Clyde, Ouse, Tyenna, Florentine and Derwent below Meadowbank Dam. These sites were last monitored during a monthly grab sampling program between September 2015 and September 2017.

The Clyde and Ouse catchments are dominated by agriculture, mainly grazing, and susceptible to rainfall-runoff events given the barren landscape. Therefore, higher nutrient concentrations in the Clyde were observed over the winter months, which was associated with higher rainfall. A similar trend in nitrate concentrations was observed over the reporting period using the in-situ analyser.

Winter nitrate concentrations in 2022 were diluted by the spring flow/release and remained low until the following winter. Phosphate remains low throughout the year. Dissolved nutrient concentrations in the Ouse were low throughout the year. The previously collected total nitrogen data indicates that most nitrogen in the river is bound to particulates (e.g. soil) and/or organic nitrogen.

Real-time water quality analyser next to the River Derwent. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
Real-time water quality analyser next to the River Derwent.

Results from the in-situ analyser at the Florentine River (above the fish hatchery) also show similar results to previous monitoring efforts, with nitrate and phosphate concentrations near or below the detection limit. The catchment is primarily used for forestry and National Parks, extending into the Tyenna catchment. The Tyenna also contains a sewage treatment plant and two land-based fish hatcheries. Until August 2023, the Tyenna analyser was located at Westerway before being relocated to the end of the Tyenna catchment to capture end-of-catchment loads as in the previous monitoring program. The data is comparable to the 2015–2017 monitoring data, with increased dissolved nutrient concentrations in the summer to late summer months, coinciding with periods of low flow, elevated temperatures, and lower dissolved oxygen levels. Nutrient concentrations at the Derwent River below Meadowbank Dam are generally low throughout the year, with slight increases over winter months.

Fig. 5.4 Map of real time analyser sites in the River Derwent catchment
Clyde RiverFlorentine RiverMeadowbankNorske SkogOuse RiverTurriff LodgeTyenna River
Nutgrove Beach at sunset. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.

Image: Derwent Estuary Program


Habitats and species

Important habitats of the Derwent include rocky reefs, saltmarshes, and wetlands. The Derwent is also home to huge numbers of plants and animals. Two of note are the spotted handfish and the little penguin, and we support their conservation in cooperation with local councils, scientists, the State Government, and the community. Human health, particularly heavy metal levels in fish and shellfish, is a key reporting priority for the DEP.

6.1 Estuarine habitat and species

Surveys of the Derwent Estuary indicate that unvegetated, soft-bottom habitats are by far the most abundant habitats in the estuary (86%), followed by seagrass and macrophytes (7%; primarily in the upper estuary), tidal sandflats (6%; primarily in Ralphs Bay) and rocky reefs (1%; primarily in the lower estuary).


Brackish water aquatic macrophytes, referred to here as seagrass beds, cover an area of over 6 km² of the mid-upper Derwent Estuary and are mostly continuous and dense (see Fig. 6.1). This highly productive system supports many essential ecosystem services such as providing habitat, nutrient cycling, water column filtering, bank stabilisation and blue carbon storage. At times (spring/summer), these beds can be covered by a growth of dense epiphytic algae, which can result in the decline of the beds. In 2011, a seagrass survey found the upper Derwent seagrasses were in good condition, with less than 10% of seagrasses covered by algae. However, algal smothering was observed in the summer of 2015–16, where up to 90% of beds were covered with epiphytic algae, prompting further, regular monitoring.

Many inputs are likely to impact seagrass bed conditions in the mid-upper estuary. Increased turbidity (total suspended sediments) from catchment runoff reduces light reaching seagrass, particularly in winter. Epiphytic algal smothering events also influence low-light penetration. Algal growth is linked to increased primary productivity in the water column as a result of diffuse nutrient enrichment from industry, sewage treatment plants or STPs, and the catchment.

Surveys were recorded at four seagrass beds at the boundary of the upper and mid-estuary zones (mid-upper estuary). Thirty sites at each meadow were monitored from 2015 to 2023 using a GoPro mounted to a photo quadrat, and the images were scored for percentage cover.

Fig. 6.1 Seagrass survey location map
Seagrass survey location map

A review of seagrass data from 2015 to 2023 showed that:

  • Seagrass health varied between sites, with Granton Banks typically having the greatest cover.
  • At the regional scale (all sites), conditions were greatest in 2018 and 2023.
  • Seagrass beds are resilient and can recover from increased stressors and even dieback.
  • Jordan River has improved significantly in recent years.
  • Murphys Flat tends to be the first site impacted and a good indicator site for pressure from algal bloom events.
Fig. 6.2 Seagrass health at the mid-upper estuary seagrass beds
  • Murphys Flat (MF10), Spring 2022. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
    Murphys Flat, Spring 2022
  • Murphys Flat (MF10), Summer 2023. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
    Murphys Flat, Summer 2023
  • Murphys Flat (MF10), Winter 2023. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
    Murphys Flat, Winter 2023
  • Dromedary Marsh (DM01), Spring 2022. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
    Dromedary Marsh, Spring 2022
  • Dromedary Marsh (DM01), Summer 2023. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
    Dromedary Marsh, Summer 2023
  • Dromedary Marsh (DM01), Winter 2023. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
    Dromedary Marsh, Winter 2023
  • Granton Banks (GB10), Spring 2022. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
    Granton Banks, Spring 2022
  • Granton Banks (GB10), Summer 2023. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
    Granton Banks, Summer 2023
  • Granton Banks (GB10), Winter 2023. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
    Granton Banks, Winter 2023
  • Jordan River (JR10), Spring 2022. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
    Jordan River, Spring 2022
  • Jordan River (JR10), Summer 2023. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
    Jordan River, Summer 2023
  • Jordan River (JR10), Winter 2023. Image: Derwent Estuary Program.
    Jordan River, Winter 2023

Seagrass images collected at the mid-upper estuary seagrass beds during the 2023 financial year. Murphys Flat, Dromedary Marsh, Granton Bank and Jordan River on three sampling dates (September 2022, January 2023 and June 2023).

Did you know?

For the first time, seagrass restoration is being trialled in the Derwent at Windermere Bay thanks to a University of Tasmania PhD student with support from OzFish.

Little Penguins in the Derwent Estuary

We manage monthly monitoring of Little Penguin colonies within the Derwent Estuary in collaboration with the Penguin Advisory Group (PAG), local councils, UTAS scientists and volunteers. This routine monitoring remains the most rigorous long-term data set of Little Penguins nesting in Tasmania. It is an important data set utilised by researchers and helps land managers (including local councils) continuously improve conditions for Little Penguin that supports breeding success.

The population numbers reported below are estimates from the number of observed occupied nests, i.e. nests with either eggs, chicks or adult birds, multiplied by two to signify a breeding pair of Little Penguins while also avoiding counting the same chicks twice. The population estimates do not include any data from the eastern shore of the Derwent and other sites around the estuary. Therefore, the reported figures underestimate the actual estuary Little Penguin population size.

For the 2022–23 financial year, the estimated population of Little Penguins at monitored colonies within the Derwent Estuary was 252. This estimate is much lower than the previous financial year’s estimate of 537. The lower estimate is due to data collection at the largest colony only occurring in September 2022, October 2022 and October 2023. The plot below shows the significant increase in population estimates for these months relative to the other months where this colony was not monitored. No monitoring was conducted in March 2023; hence, there are no population estimates. This highlights the issue of monitor resourcing and availability, which has recently been an issue for the PAG. The PAG is working to increase the volunteer base to assist with this routine monitoring program.

Eggs were observed at the colonies in late winter and early spring, with the highest number of eggs across the colonies observed in September 2022 and October 2023. Chicks were seen at the colonies almost all year round in the 2023 calendar year, with all months where monitoring occurred recording chick observations except for January. This shows that breeding occurs across all seasons at the Derwent Estuary Little Penguin colonies.

Fig. 6.2 Little Penguin population size
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Population estimates Jul 22 Aug 22 Sep 22 Oct 22 Nov 22 Dec 22 Jan 23 Feb 23 Mar 23 Apr 23 May 23 Jun 23 Jul 23 Aug 23 Sep 23 Oct 23 Nov 23 Dec 23 Adults 6 Chicks 0 Eggs 0 Adults 6 Chicks 0 Eggs 0 Adults 58 Chicks 1 Eggs 1 Adults 36 Chicks 10 Eggs 1 Adults 16 Chicks 4 Eggs 1 Adults 26 Chicks 15 Eggs 0 Adults 14 Chicks 0 Eggs 0 Adults 12 Chicks 3 Eggs 0 Adults 0 Chicks 0 Eggs 0 Adults 14 Chicks 5 Eggs 0 Adults 10 Chicks 2 Eggs 0 Adults 10 Chicks 2 Eggs 0 Adults 16 Chicks 5 Eggs 0 Adults 22 Chicks 2 Eggs 3 Adults 18 Chicks 6 Eggs 0 Adults 60 Chicks 17 Eggs 5 Adults 48 Chicks 7 Eggs 3 Adults 36 Chicks 20 Eggs 2 Adults Chicks Eggs

Monthly estimates of Little Penguin population size in the Derwent Estuary colonies between July 2022 and December 2023. Numbers of chicks and eggs are actual observations, whereas adult numbers are estimates, see above information on estimation methodology and uncertainties in these estimations.

Art burrow project update

The collaborative art burrow project between local artists and scientists proves to be a huge success with the Derwent’s Little Penguins. The project coordinated by Tasmanian artist Jane Bamford, involved other professional and emerging artists, scientists, Kingborough Council, Birdlife Tasmania and the Derwent Estuary Penguin Advisory Group (PAG).

The handmade ceramic penguin nesting modules were officially opened to penguins in 2022 and 2023. They were permanently installed across several colonies in the Derwent Estuary after being successfully stress-tested in the field to ensure they were safe for Penguin use. The uptake of these ceramic nesting modules has been almost immediate, with data showing that Little Penguins have used them for both moulting and nesting.

Little Penguin ceramic art burrow. Image: Bridget Jupe.
Little Penguin ceramic art burrow.

Image: Bridget Jupe

New booklet – Ducks of Tasmania

This handy and easy-to-read booklet has been created to help people identify ducks in Tasmania, learn about their diets and antics, and how to keep them safe and healthy.

Many of us have beautiful memories of feeding the ducks, but we now know that human food harms them. However, we can still create lovely memories by becoming duck ‘twitchers’ instead of duck feeders.

Watching them dabble and dive for their healthy food sources and understanding how to contribute to their well-being will bring joy to many in the future.

Tips on where you might see native ducks are shared alongside beautiful illustrations by Hobart-based artist Sam Lyne.

Pacific Black Duck × Mallard hybrid. Image: John Sampson.
Pacific Black Duck × Mallard hybrid.

Image: John Sampson

We were pleased to work on this project with BirdLife Tasmania, the Pacific Black Duck Conservation Group, and local councils. The Ducks of Tasmania booklet is available online.

6.2 Heavy metals in seafood

Oysters and mussels from the Derwent contain high levels of heavy metals, particularly zinc, lead and cadmium. While levels in shellfish have declined since 2003, they are still far more than national food standards. Mercury levels exceed national food standards in several species of Derwent caught fish — particularly black bream — and, to a lesser degree, flathead and trout.

In 2023, there has been no change in current health advice, which is as follows:

  • Don’t eat shellfish collected from the Derwent (including Ralphs Bay).
  • Don’t eat any bream from the Derwent (including Browns River).
  • Limit consumption of other Derwent-caught fish to no more than two meals/week, or one meal/week for pregnant and breastfeeding women, women planning to become pregnant and young children.

For a full report see Metal Contamination in Fish and Shellfish of the Derwent Estuary 2020 which summarises all metals in fish data up to the summer of 2019–20.

Current health advice

  • DO NOT eat any bream from the Derwent (including Browns River)

    DO NOT eat any bream from the Derwent (including Browns River).

  • DO NOT eat shellfish collected from the Derwent (including Ralphs Bay)

    DO NOT eat shellfish collected from the Derwent (including Ralphs Bay).

  • LIMIT CONSUMPTION of other Derwent-caught fish

    LIMIT CONSUMPTION of other Derwent-caught fish to no more than two meals per week, or one meal per week for pregnant and breastfeeding women, women planning to become pregnant and young children.

6.3 Marine pests, weeds and disease

The Derwent Estuary is extensively colonised by introduced marine species. At least 79 invasive species have been recorded, including four species of national concern: northern Pacific seastar, European green crab, Japanese seaweed, and European clam. Several other species (e.g. New Zealand half crab, New Zealand seastar, and New Zealand screw shell) also pose a significant threat to the ecology of the estuary.

Rice grass — an invasive intertidal weed — has been successfully managed in the Derwent Estuary through annual surveys and control actions. The area of infestation was reduced from two hectares in 1995 to zero in 2009 and 2010. Surveys in 2015 found several small patches in the middle estuary region; however, since spring 2016, no rice grass has been observed in the Derwent Estuary. Previous ‘hotspot’ locations are monitored annually, but the 2023 survey found no rice grass.

Northern Pacific seastar. Image: Neville Barrett.
Northern Pacific seastar, Neville Barrett.

Image: Neville Barrett


Image: Jon Sullivan

Karamu (Coprosma robusta) is an evergreen shrub originating from New Zealand that is a declared weed under the Tasmanian Weed Management Act 1999, requiring landholders to remove it from their property. The upper Derwent Estuary had previously been identified as the largest infestation in Tasmania. While much has been eradicated over the past five years, a large, dense infestation remains around New Norfolk.

We are involved in the active and ongoing management of Karamu in collaboration with the Derwent Catchment Project, Department of State Growth, Parks and Wildlife Service, NRM South, Crown Land Services, and the Derwent Valley Council.

In 2021, additional funding from the Weed Action Fund’s Large Grant was provided to the Derwent Catchment Project to help tackle the core infestation at New Norfolk, which is particularly dense and challenging to access. In this reporting period treatment has been focused on follow-up control, mainly targeting new saplings, with less than 10 established plants found. Future work will target blackberry and willow to reduce the habitat for the karamu to grow on (willow trunks) and ‘clean’ sites to minimise the effort of looking for karamu and treating it.


Image: iStock / narcisa